No purple prose here. No suggestive words at what they are doing behind closed doors. Not even a hint. When you write erotic romance/erotica, you leave nothing to the imagination. Everything is spelled out in black and white for the reader to see.
I write HOT erotic adventure/suspense. I also write erotica under the pen name
Eve Adams. It's hard to write in a genre my twelve and sixteen year olds can't read (because I won't let them for obvious reasons). My husband LOVES to read them (again, for obvious reasons)!
When I sold my first book
AT ANY COST back in March 2008, it was really more of a mainstream romance. There were love scenes, but they were mild at best. My publisher asked me to "steam" them up as hotter romances always sell better. So I did. I never knew I'd have such a great time writing that HOT. Now that I've given in to the "dark side" of romance, I'm never turning back. I absolutely love writing HOT romance. Take a look at
SEEK AND DESTROY and you'll see what I mean. My first NASSD Counter-terrorist Agency book was hot, but the second one catches fire!
Erotic romance/erotica isn't for everyone. There are terms in the books that would stop the heart if the reader is offended by explicit words. The graphic love scenes are meant to stimulate the senses. If that is not what you like to read, then stay clear of erotic romance/erotica.
I'd like to delve deeper into what erotic romance/erotica is and what it isn't. It isn't pornography, much to the contrary of those advocating against the genre. It isn't stories exploiting woman (or men). It is a genre centered around the relationships of the characters--their trials and tribulations, their conflict and resolution. Romance is the central theme. It is the pursuit of the proverbial HEA, aka Happily Ever After.
I love writing stories about characters who get into adventurous situations just to see how they'll get out of them. These characters play hard, love even harder, and never back away from what is the right thing to do. All of my books have the same thing in common: they all have the HEA.
If you are curious about erotic romance/erotica, I urge you to pick up a story and read it. Who knows, you may fall in love with the genre and find yourself a lifelong fan. All it takes is that first taste of the "dark side" and you'll be hooked. :-)
Allie K. Adams write erotic romance, and also writes erotica under the pen name Eve Adams. She lives in southwest Montana with her family. As the neighborhood mom, she always has a houseful of kids, and is always fighting the losing battle of keeping the fridge stocked when there are that many mouths to feed. When she isn't working full-time (60+ hours per week), or writing, she's outside riding her ATV/Snowmobile, depending on the season. She is also an avid volunteer for the local Search and Rescue. Allie loves to hear from readers, so please drop her a line!
~Allie K. Adams~
"At Any Cost", Siren - Available NOW
"Seek And Destroy", Siren - Available NOW
"Rescue Me", Siren - Early 2009